Thursday, July 21, 2016


It's better to burn out than to fade away.
Or so they say.  I'm not really much for cliches.  Ha. Right.

I've had a lot of fun being Ryan Of The Ryan Fan Club.  So much so that I let myself continue doing it when it wasn't as much fun as it used to be, trying to find ways to keep it fun and interesting for myself.  But all good things must come to an end.  Ha, another cliche!

When a door closes, a window opens. There's a third one just for good measure.

You know, since 1998, I've met some amazing people, collaborated with some fantastic artists, and had doors opened to me that probably wouldn't have been otherwise.  I've even autographed a few bras over the years.  I've received fan mail from Japan, Norway, England, and the Philadelphia area.  Just thinking about that makes me all warm inside.  Or maybe I just got a boner.  Yep, definitely a boner.

I guess it's hard to say good-bye.  So I'll just say, "Bye" instead.

I love to write.  I love to make people laugh. I love to sing.  I'll never stop doing any that. I've always said that as long as there's someone to read it, I will always be writing.  That won't change.  It's just time for me to do something different.  I don't know what that "different" is just yet, but I probably won't start thinking about it at least until this boner is gone.

It's crazy to think that I've been Ryan Of The Ryan Fan Club since I was eighteen.  If you do the math on that, you'll see that come this November I'll have been RFC for over half of my life.

Wow, talk about a long joke that just keeps running and running.

And like most really long jokes, the punchline isn't really anything to laugh about.  One of my favorite jokes usually lasts about twenty minutes and ends with, "No, it's a Hickory Dacquiri, Doc!"  The listener usually grunts under their breath about how much of their time I've wasted for such a horrible ending.  You might feel the same after these eighteen years.

Maybe...and this is just psychological speculation... Maybe I'm ending the RFC much like I did with many of my ex-girlfriends from back in the day... right before they turned eighteen. Wow, so Freudian.

So long Ryan-Fans, thanks for putting up with my ridiculousness and mostly the incredible memories you've given me.

- ryan ewing

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